Anxiety and Depression Disorder Symptoms

Anxiety and depression are two different things. Though both the conditions may occur at the same time, at least once in a lifetime you may face the anxiety and depression conditions. In this post, we will help you in understanding the basic differences between anxiety and depression. 

Anybody can be a victim of such mental illness. Therefore, it is very important to understand what exactly a person is going through. 

Depression is a mood disorder in which a person doesn’t feel easy about anything. He or she may feel unhappy all the time. Even while doing the activities which they enjoyed earlier. Depression may make you feel devastated with many emotional and physical problems. 

Therefore, let’s move ahead and check when you should search for the therapist for anxiety near me, and when you should go to a school anxiety disorder therapist. 

What are depression and anxiety? 

Depression is basically when you feel sad, low, or upset. Though feeling such emotions is normal for some time. But in any case, if you feel that these feelings are lasting for a prolonged period, then you should look for a therapist for anxiety near me. You can also consider going to a school anxiety disorder therapist

Anxiety is the feeling of worry, fear, and nervousness. Generally, you may experience episodes of anxiety, multiple times in a year. But if at all you face such episodes on a regular basis, then definitely this condition can affect your daily life routine, chores, and other such activities. Chronic anxiety may make you feel irritated for a longer period. Such a mental condition may also lead to the arising of irrational thoughts and a person would not be able to lead a normal life with such conditions. 

Symptoms Associated with depression: 

Mentioned below are the physical and emotional symptoms associated with depression: 

Physical depression: 

● Decreased levels of energy

● Chronic fatigue

● Difficulty in concentrating

● Confusion in decision making

● Changes in appetite or weight

● Difficulty in sleeping and started sleeping patterns

● Pains, cramps, or stomachs without any good possible cause

Emotional depression: 

● Loss of interest

● No pleasure in doing any activities

● Feeling hopeless and pessimistic

● Anger irritability and restlessness

● Thoughts of suicide 

● Suicide attempts

Symptoms Associated with anxiety: 

Mentioned below are the symptoms associated with physical and emotional anxiety: 

Physical anxiety: 

● Racing heart

● Grinding teeth 

● Feeling of nervousness

● Difficulty in concentrating or recalling anything

● Muscle tension

Emotional anxiety: 

● Feeling of restlessness

● Irritability

● Feeling on edge

● Difficulty controlling worry, anger, or fear

● Dread 

● Panic

The best treatment for anxiety and depression disorders

Make sure to visit the doctor at the earliest if you see the symptoms to reoccur and have frequent episodes. 

The doctor may prescribe you the following treatments: 

Therapy: There are different types of therapies involved. Each therapy has different characteristics. According to the severity of the illness, the doctor may prescribe you three different therapies for anxiety and depression- cognitive behavioral therapy, interpersonal therapy, and problem-solving therapy. 

Medications: Doctors may also prescribe you medicines at the early stages of your depression and anxiety disorder. These medications will include several antidepressants and mood stabilizers. 


So, here is everything about anxiety and depression. Just like we take care of other types of illness and diseases, it is important bro take care of mental conditions as well. Therefore, be aware of your mental conditions and how you feel about it. Changing your lifestyle habits may also change your mental condition. You can keep a track of regular exercise and eating healthy fruits and vegetables which will help you in feeling better about the things around you. 

Published by insighttherapyllc

Insight Therapy, LLC is a thriving outpatient emotional well-being practice situated in Champaign, Illinois. Our dynamic therapists are highly trained in their strengths and regarded in the network.

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